Cloud Transformation

Apache Spark on DataProc vs Google BigQuery
Introduction When it comes to Big Data infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform, the most popular choices by data architects today are Google…

Global COVID-19 Scenario: A Data Scientist’s Perspective (Part 1)
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, people & businesses alike are trying to analyse the spread of the disease in their country and see…

Need for effective Log management systems – Comparing Splunk & Elastic search
Continuous integration and Continuous Deployment have increasingly shortened the time taken to build applications that need frequent changes, while still maintaining a…

The Quantum Supremacy Experiment
As a continuation of our previous blog about Quantum Computing and Quantum Supremacy, we have tried to explain the what, why and…

Reinforcement learning – applications and challenges
In the last blog we covered the basics of Reinforcement Learning (RL), its common rules and its terminologies. In this edition, we…

Outsmarting humans: An introduction to reinforcement learning
The brain of a human child is spectacularly amazing. Even in any previously unknown situation, the brain makes a decision based on…

Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) was first introduced by Ian Goodfellow in 2014. GANs are a powerful class of neural networks that are…

Scoping Exercise for guaranteed Big Data project success!
Big projects with great teams fail. Yes, you read it correctly. Projects with proper funding clubbed together with great minds fail at…

CDP vs CRM: The key differences you need to know in 2019
Marketers around the world agree that modern-day marketing depends on customer data. Since we have a large amount of customer data at…